Además de pagar impuestos federales y estatales, los residentes de la ciudad de Nueva York también tienen que pagar impuestos ...
It’s not clear to what extent immigration authorities could enforce the registration of potentially millions of undocumented ...
Missing a court hearing can lead to serious consequences, including an in absentia removal order which leads to deportation.
Many New Yorkers are switching from MetroCards to OMNY. This guide explains how to refill and use the new cards for public transit in NYC.
Adams, who has been reluctant to criticize President Trump, took the most fire from Democrats, who questioned him about his ...
Haitian TPS holders confront new challenges as the Trump administration shortens Temporary Protected Status designation from ...
Para solicitar la ciudadanía, un residente permanente legal debe presentar el formulario N-400, Solicitud de Naturalización y ...
New York state’s 10 refugee resettlement agencies, located in Buffalo (4), Rochester (2), Syracuse (1), Utica (1), Binghamton ...
Los expertos legales advierten que, bajo la administración de Trump, quienes tengan una green card podrían estar expuestos a ...
总体而言,持有效绿卡(正式名称为“永久居民卡”)的个人可以在境外停留不超过180天而不会影响其身份。然而,如果离开美国超过六个月,可能会面临更严格的审查,在入境时被拒绝的风险也更高。法律专家还警告说,在特朗普政府的移民政策下,绿卡持有者在旅行时,尤其 ...
Experts say that ambiguity in the laws governing janitors and porters in New York City allows exploitation to continue ...