A death in the Tyrolean lowlands also brought to light an animal drama that had probably been hidden for years: a pet was ...
A cab driver and a passer-by clashed in the evening hours and triggered a major police operation. Eyewitnesses tell ...
Israeli playwright Yael Ronen is back at Schauspielhaus Graz: Felix Hafner directs the Austrian premiere of "Slippery Slope" ...
A layout that takes some getting used to, a questionable style: according to the German news magazine "Spiegel", the AfD's ...
The announcement that the restaurant would close on 18 January had once again caused a rush of guests - but now the end is ...
What Hawelka is to Vienna, Norbert Fröstl is to St. Pölten - namely a true institution of the coffee confectioners' guild. At ...
The well-known climate activist Anja Windl was released from prison in Klagenfurt on Saturday. The German woman had been ...
GAK recently made a statement in the relegation race with the signing of Laszlo Kleinheisler. Hungary's European Championship ...
In addition to the Air Hundred and the ban on begging, the ban on cell phones in schools is also an important issue for the ...
All-day flea markets with trendy clothes, cool music and drinks - something that is already very popular in big cities like ...
The world's biggest single sporting event takes place in the Superdome in New Orleans on Sunday night. Here you can read some ...
In Tyrol, the refuge addresses for women affected by violence remain anonymous - all of them. What works in Graz is not ...