Home Page - IRIS
2 days ago · La carte du mois. Panorama des puissances en intelligence artificielle Si établir une classification des États dans la course à l'IA à l'œuvre n'est pas aisé, certains facteurs permettent toutefois d'identifier les principales puissances de l'IA.
Home - IRIS
The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), an association recognized as being of public utility, is one of the leading French think tanks specializing in geopolitical and strategic issues.
IRIS, the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs, is one of the leading French think tanks specialising in geopolitical and strategic issues. It is the only one to combine a research centre and an educational institution awarding degrees, through its school, IRIS Sup’. This model contributes to its national and international appeal. Founded in 1991 as a non-profit ...
À propos de l’IRIS
L’IRIS est l’un des principaux think tanks français spécialisés sur les questions géopolitiques et stratégiques. Il est le seul à présenter la singularité de regrouper un centre de recherche et un lieu d’enseignement délivrant des diplômes, via son école IRIS Sup’, ce modèle contribuant à son attractivité nationale et internationale. Association loi 1901 créée en 1991 ...
A new Website for IRIS
Jan 24, 2025 · The Institute is pleased to present its new website. Developed in both French and English, and adaptable to all devices, it aims to further promote the research work and activities of IRIS by offering a more intuitive organisation and an efficient search engine.. A new Publications section has been introduced, featuring numerous filters by content type, regional areas, cross-cutting themes ...
Services - IRIS
IRIS is one of the leading French think tanks specialising in geopolitical and strategic issues. Recognised for its expertise and know-how at both national and international levels, IRIS offers a wide range of services tailored to all types of private or public clients. They trust us
Programmes - IRIS
The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), an association recognized as being of public utility, is one of the leading French think tanks specializing in geopolitical and strategic issues.
Défense et Sécurité - IRIS
L’Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS), association reconnue d’utilité publique, est l’un des principaux think tanks français spécialisés sur les questions géopolitiques et stratégiques.
Activity Reports - IRIS
The French Institute for International and Strategic Affais (IRIS) is a non-profit organisation under the French 1901 law, recognised as a public interest organisation. It publishes its activity report annually. Regularly audited by the French Court of Auditors, the Institute also declares its accounts annually, which are published in the Official Journal. Additionally, it is registered in the ...
Prestations - IRIS
L’IRIS est l’un des principaux think tanks français spécialisés sur les questions géopolitiques et stratégiques. Reconnu pour son expertise et son savoir-faire tant au niveau national qu’international, l’IRIS propose des prestations variées, adaptées à tous types de commanditaires privés ou publics. Ils nous font confiance